What if there was a way you could truly heal the root of your health challenges
➔ bouncing from practitioner to practitioner
➔ wasting money on random supplementation
➔ experiencing another disappointing 1-off consultation again
If you’re crawling through basic life tasks, living in fear of flare ups, and depending on your current crutch-of-choice to prop you up so you can get through the day, then it’s time to take a deep breath and ask yourself, honestly:
Are your symptoms informing more of your life than you’d like?
Whether it’s chronic fatigue, low libido, hair loss, anxiety, depression, PMS, hormonal imbalances, digestive issues, inexplicable weight gain, or adrenal issues — you have your own unique mix of signals that something is off.
What is it, though?
What is going on?
And why hasn’t anything really worked yet?
I know how hard it is to
struggle to pull yourself out of the couch again
try and live a normal life without fear of flare-ups and setbacks
try all of the things to restore your health with little to show for it
muster up the belief that true healing is possible and start again
not feel validated, heard, or clear about your next steps
I’m Sena. I know these challenges and I also know exactly what pulled me out of them.
And because of that I’m committed to inviting others to join me in taking this evidence-based, paradigm-shifting approach into true healing and replenishment.
Because inside of you is the well-resourced, radiantly nourished version of yourself who has stable and dependable energy to pour into her relationships, her creative pursuits, and in all areas of her life.
She has glowing skin, feels confident in her body, has healthy lustrous hair, and has a genuine smile that’s not feigned, not forced, but emanates naturally.
She already exists, she is you — she just needs the support to emerge.
Here’s what I know:
Minerals are the spark plugs of life and yours are likely depleted and imbalanced.
You can’t spiritually heal your way into having the minerals you’re missing.
You have to take care of your body.
And taking care of your body doesn’t mean constantly restricting it, forcefully detoxing, random supplementation, or not eating enough.
Taking true care of your body requires identifying what minerals are lacking and then addressing that lack head on with an evidence-based protocol designed to guide you from cellular depletion into cellular nourishment.
Because the truth is that when your minerals are depleted or out of balance, your body will not have the energy it needs to create energy or eliminate toxins — including the elimination of heavy metals.
Too many approaches miss this crucial aspect and focus on the symptom or the pathogen (e.g. parasite cleanses) without addressing the root cause of the body’s metabolic function.
Let me break this down for you:
Your body KNOWS how to heal and your body is always trying to move towards homeostasis.
When you can provide your body with the biospecific minerals it needs and support the elimination of toxic metals, healing will happen.
The way to do this is through HTMA (Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis) and replenishment via Mineral Balancing.
Is it time to commit to a new path — one that’s evidence-based and designed specifically for you and your body?
Is it time to ditch the short-lived + scattered attempts at healing in exchange for a slow, steady and effective approach?
✓ Because throwing spaghetti at the wall when it comes to your health just isn’t cutting it anymore.
✓ Because wasting money on random supplementation is the energy-leak you didn’t know you needed to plug.
✓ Because the latest influencer-backed tincture isn’t going to make your symptoms go away.
✓ Because leaning on plant medicine ceremonies or spiritual healing approaches when your body needs a steak isn’t working.

Radiantly Nourished
The 12-Month Mineral Balancing Membership For The Woman Who Wants To Stop Guessing & Start Glowing.
Picture this
You’re in the frequency of a relaxed woman — cells glowing with all the minerals and vitamins they need. Thrive.
Your metabolism is humming along in the right balance. You have a warm body full of life and love to give. Glow.
Your enjoyment of food as fuel, medicine, community and pleasure is palpable. Play.
You have clarity of heart and mind, you’re strong and supple, you’re a radiantly nourished woman. Whole.
Here’s how Radiantly Nourished works:
Radiantly Nourished is a 12-month Mineral Balancing Membership that includes 3 HTMA tests and consultations, a specific-to-you protocol (that’ll be adjusted with every retest), lifestyle and nutritional guidance, and a group component to encourage commitment, healing, and lasting change.
When you sign up for Radiantly Nourished you step into a container designed to help you heal and thrive.

You receive
3 HTMA Tests
Roughly one test per quarter to discover what your cells are saying and how your body is responding to your protocols.
Initial Consultation
A 1:1 (120 min) Deep Dive Initial Consultation where we review your comprehensive health history and your Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) including mineral levels and ratios. We’ll look at adrenal and thyroid health, your metabolic rate, your overall cellular vitality and more.
Bio-individual Protocol
Based on your HTMA results your protocol will include an evidence-based supplementation plan, in addition to lifestyle, and nutritional recommendations.
This protocol will be adjusted periodically throughout your time within the membership based on updates in your HTMA.
2 Retest Consults
Two (120 min) 1:1 HTMA Retest Consultations with Sena (that’s me!) to review follow up tests and the positive changes your body has made, heavy metals being eliminated, and what body systems could use more support.
12 Group Coaching Calls
Ongoing Monthly Group Calls to provide coaching, keep you on track, answer your questions, and provide you with a space for depth in connection and healing conversation.
1:1 Chat Support with Sena
Feeling confused? Need support with symptoms? Ping Sena directly via our secure platform.
Group Forum
To get your questions answered, connect with other women on the healing journey, receive ongoing support, and keep your momentum going between calls.
Family Member Consultations
When you’re in the membership you have the option of adding one-off HTMA consultations for your children and partner. Only offered for members.
12 Group Teaching Calls
Sena teaches on a new topic each month to empower you to understand the why behind Mineral Balancing, and how your body sustainably heals.
3 HTMA tests, valued at $300
3 (120 min) 1:1 consultations, valued at $1,200
A Bio-Individual Protocol, adjusted at key points throughout your 12 months, valued at $450
24 Monthly Group Calls, valued at $3,600
Group chat access for 12 months, hosted on Practice Better (our private + secure health portal) valued at $500
1:1 chat access for 12 months, hosted on Practice Better valued at $1,500
Radiantly Nourished is a total value of $7,550
But you can take your seat, today, for just:
12 monthly payments of $197
*The Radiantly Nourished Membership is a 12-month commitment. Once you’re in there are no cancellations.
I’d love to professionally guide you into a healing lifestyle that you can sustain.
“I knew I was hungry for solid evidence. I was ready to stop wasting time, energy, and money on random supplementation. I wanted to learn *exactly* what my body needed.
After working with Sena through HTMA and Re-Mineralization I now trust my body. I can listen to my body. I am now committed to giving my body what it needs to be whole and happy.
Sena’s approach is not a scarcity approach. It’s not about restriction. It’s about deep nourishment. She honors both the emotional and physical, and she’s zero-fluff. You can see results, you can heal, and you don’t need to do it by yourself.”- Kelly O.
hi, I’m sena
At the peak of my health crisis, (when I could hardly get off the couch due to my histamine intolerance and fatigue) I won a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis in an Instagram giveaway.
When I got my results that April, my thyroid marker showed I could be experiencing 75% or more energy loss. My adrenals weren’t much better.
I was blown away by how much the practitioner could see about my health and lifestyle just from the results — we had never even spoken!
From there I started implementing my protocol, learned how to cook for myself, and started to deeply heal. It was simple: food, minerals, and changing my lifestyle began to replenish my energy.
I took 4 HTMA trainings, connected with teachers and mentors in the field, and at the time of opening Radiantly Nourished I have officially supported 50+ clients in regaining their vitality through Mineral Nutritional Balancing.
Prior to committing to the path of replenishment through Mineral Balancing it was my tendency to turn toward plant medicines, microdosing, and peak experiences to heal my trauma — not realizing they were physically depleting me.
I say this because I know that you also might be used to leaning on healing approaches that are depleting you, too.
Here’s the thing I know to be true about remineralizing: it’s going to undo all of your patterning that has led you to this moment. When you step into nourishing yourself you set off a cascade of re-alignments in your life.
Are you ready to heal and replenish?
Radiant health is not a result — it’s a frequency and a lifestyle.
“Before signing up I was so tired, had no energy to live my life, and was living in anxiety and fear all the time because my body was so malnourished. The dishes were the bane of my existence and I didn’t have the energy to cook.
I had never been validated in my feelings for/about my health. I was always feeling like I was being gaslit by a doctor. After my HTMA, Sena said, ‘it makes total sense why you’re feeling this way.’
Someone actually heard me. I felt validated. I felt joyful that finally someone was on the same page as me, and said, “you’re feeling this way for a reason”.
So much has improved in my life. I now feel safe in my body because my body knows it is nourished. I didn’t know that I actually liked cooking and I’m now nourishing the natural energy I’ve found in this area.
If I had continued to put HTMA off I think my symptoms would have continued to worsen and I would have continued to push myself in a way that’s not healthy.
Why did I wait so long to sign up!?”
— Cassie
htma + Mineral balancing vs what’s trending
You can continue to waste money on random supplementation.
You can continue to self-prescribe based on the latest health trends and the latest products that the health influencers are promoting.
You can choose to continue to run in circles randomly chasing approaches and falling off plan until you realize you haven’t made any true progress.
Or you can decide to commit to a proven, evidence-based approach that begins with gathering important info and getting highly specific about replenishing what’s currently imbalanced in your body.
Mineral Balancing is effective, it’s proven, it’s clear, and it’s happening right now inside Radiantly Nourished.
I’d love to serve you inside.
You ready?
*The Radiantly Nourished Membership is a 12-month commitment.
Once you are in there are no cancellations.
“When you know something is worthy, the money doesn’t matter. I was ready. I could have saved the money and waited ‘for a better time’ but the truth was I knew it WAS time.
It’s so affirming to see what you see on the HTMA. I was validated by the results. After years of not knowing. After years of guessing.
I was just sharing with my partner that there’s already been a shift in my awareness in how I show up for this. It’s like… there’s this language of the minerals.
If I hadn’t said yes to HTMA and Remineralization with Sena I would probably still be living in a hermit shell of an existence — hiding and living in fear.
I feel more resourced physically, mentally, emotionally and energetically. This is transgenerational healing, I feel I am doing something that’s way bigger than my own journey.”
— Rebecca
Radiantly Nourished is for you if you:
✓ are ready to get to the root of your health issues
✓ struggle with feeling low-energy, chronic fatigue, or general exhaustion
✓ reach for your crutch-of-choice to prop you up and get you through the day
✓ believe (or have been told) you have hormone, adrenal, or thyroid issues
✓ are ready to commit fully to the HTMA and remineralization approach for the duration of 12 months
✓ are open to nourishment via animal products
✓ want to remineralize before conception and pregnancy
Radiantly Nourished is not for you if you are not:
✘ a woman who is experiencing health symptoms + challenges
✘ interested in fully committing to this process (and the adjusted protocol) for the full 12 months
✘ willing to eat animal-products for nourishment
✘ willing to make lifestyle and nutritional adjustments based on your analysis and the protocol I design
✘ willing to commit to 12 monthly payments
A: You’ll receive an official confirmation + welcome email that contains everything you need to get oriented and get started. I’ll send out your HTMA test kit to you as soon as I have your mailing address!
A: Upon signing up you will receive your comprehensive intake form, instructions for how to take your hair sample, along with your Radiantly Nourished HTMA sample kit. We’ll have your initial consultation as soon as I get your results back.
Once you send your sample in, it takes about 2 weeks to receive results from the lab.
A: Outside of Radiantly Nourished you will be responsible to purchase the supplements that are listed on your protocol. The average amount for a month’s supply of supplements will range from $100-$150.
I’m telling you — this approach is so sustainable! For example, my teacher has made this approach her lifestyle and has been mineral balancing regularly for 10 years now.
A: We will find a time that works for the group before we start in May.
A: All calls will be recorded and stored throughout the duration of the program so you can always catch the replay if need be.
A: There are a few practices or tools I recommend to support your healing but these are reasonable to purchase. We’re talkin’ a castor oil pack kit, a coffee enema kit, a dry brush, and adding red light therapy into the mix.
A: Functional Medicine Doctors and Naturopathic doctors study for years to begin their practices and serve their clients. They are often some of the most knowledgeable people in the community, and have many tools to treat various symptoms that you are experiencing
That aside, here’s my honest take:
HTMA and Mineral Balancing is a narrow and focused approach. Rather than treating specific symptoms like digestive issues or hormonal issues, we uncover the layers to see what is happening at the metabolic level. As we balance the minerals and eliminate toxins, our metabolic function improves and the symptoms that have been plaguing us start to disappear.
This is a more sustainable approach. The tests and supplements are affordable enough to commit to this approach as a lifestyle.
The on-going consultations and re-tests that are built into Radiantly Nourished will help you avoid getting churned back to square one.
Another thing: have you noticed that most supplement/treatment protocols you’ve been recommended have been open-ended?
It is way more cost effective (and effective in general) to be given clear guidance about exactly how long you should be taking a supplement for. The whole “just take these supplements until you come back next year” kind of a thing doesn’t make sense.
There is a better way. Radiantly Nourished is highly specific and designed with your healing success in mind.
Disclaimer: All information on this website is only the opinion of the author and for educational purposes only.
Nutritional balancing is a method to reduce stress on the body. It is not intended as diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure for any health condition.
Sena Maria is not a licensed medical professional.
A: I know *exactly* what that’s like and I also know that nothing changes if you don’t change. Healing requires energy, and as you balance your metabolism, support your liver, thyroid and adrenal systems, and help your body eliminate toxins, your energy will improve and healing will happen.
I know it can be scary to make changes, but you will be so glad you did.
A: Yes, that is true. Your body cannot build from what it does not have available.
Heavy metals do not break down in the body, so the only way to decrease the load that could be passed to your children is to eliminate them from your body. Radiantly Nourished and the Mineral Balancing approach facilitates heavy metal elimination in a gentle way that doesn’t cause major stress to your body.
If you believe motherhood may be in your future, Mineral Balancing is an investment in your best health and the health of your family, too.
A radiantly nourished woman is strong and supple. Direct and surrendered. Confident and soft. Authentic and beautiful.
She creates beauty with her existence and breathes life into forgotten places. A radiantly nourished woman is not easily swayed or taken off course from what she knows to be true.
Are you ready to replenish her? To nourish her?
I know how scary it can be to put your trust in a new approach when there is so much information out there and when you’ve already tried many different things.
Have heart — this work I’m inviting you into is bio-individual, it’s guided by what your cells are saying, and it’s worked for thousands of others.
You ready?
It’s time to get Radiantly Nourished.
— Sena