Things To Know About HTMA Before You Book

  1. This is not a quick fix. It took years to get to your current state and it will take time to bring your body back into balance. If you just do one test, you’re going to miss out on the depth of this work. Each protocol is three-months long, and this works BEST when you retest every 3 months. It can take years to bring your mineral levels back into balance and eliminate heavy metals. I recommend starting with a year.

  2. I take a nourish first approach. I am not going to put you on kale salads and green juices or focus too much on restricting things from your diet. I weave in traditional ancestral food principles and will support you in finding ways to make these accessible for modern living. If you don’t enjoy your food it won’t be sustainable- we’ll work on nutrient dense delicious ways to get more cellular nourishment flowing. I will probably tell you to lay off the gluten but generally my approach is one of nourishment, not restriction.

  3. I recommend an animal-based diet to all of my clients. If you are not open to eating an animal-based diet this is not the right program for you.

  4. The supplements I work with are a mix of whole-food based supplementation plus a supplement line formulated specifically for HTMA patterns.

  5. Supplements alone are not going to heal you. I also recommend nutrition practices and gentle detoxification practices that are critical to incorporate for root cause healing.

  6. Your healing process may evoke 'healing reactions.' This can look like symptoms returning, and can be uncomfortable. These should not last long, and I will support you through them. This is part of the healing and can be a result of your body eliminating a lot of heavy metals as it is receiving the preferred minerals and nutrients that it has been missing.

  7. This test, and the way I run my consults are very comprehensive. I spend hours reviewing your results and extensive intake form before we meet. In our 2-hour consult we cover a comprehensive health history (many say it’s the most comprehensive intake form they’ve ever completed), physical symptoms along with lifestyle changes, psychological orientation towards life, and stress reduction practices. Many clients reflect that this is much more in depth than any meeting they’ve had with a doctor.

    ** This post is specific to my HTMA work, not applicable to all HTMA practitioners

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Minerals, Metabolism and Female Physiology