The Slow Health Movement

We’re here for sustainable healing that gets to the root.

We’re not about 30 minute consults and one-size-fits-all protocols

Our work is bio individual - guided by what your cells are saying.

Our approach is feminine - we know that feeling heard and seen is key to your healing journey. We take a holistic view - examining physiological, psychological, energetic and emotional and spiritual patterns and the interplay between them.

Similar to the slow food movement which prioritizes traditional approaches to growing, preparing and consuming food to better serve our health - the slow health movement gives ample time for cellular regeneration to unfold. Like peeling back the layers of an onion - we listen to the bodies needs, adapting quarterly to meet it with biospecific minerals and nutrition.

Slow health is a process of refining while we unravel the patterns our bodies and psyche developed over the span of our lives. It’s a process of committment, continually showing up and having faith on our bodies ability to heal.

This work is not a quick fix, if you want someone that is going to optimize for time rather than depth and presence I’m not the practitioner for you. We’re here for the two hour consults, the luxurious explorations of the non-linear communication of your body held within a structured framework of replenishment and gentle detoxification. We focus and refine our energy with minerals and your cells as our guides. We trust the divine timing of our lives and know that rushing or forcing has only led us to burnout.

We’re shifting the paradigm from:

  • productivity to presence

  • fix-it to listening

  • quick chats to deep dive consults

  • dispersing across practitioners and approaches to settling into one holistic path and a secure commitment

  • random supplements based on what’s trending to bio-individual supplements updated quarterly based on what your body needs.

Welcome to the Slow Health Movement

Radiant health is not a result; it’s a frequency and a lifestyle.

This approach is for you if you deeply trust your body’s ability to heal.


What is Mineral Nutritional Balancing?